INGIA USA-Advanced Biotechnology
INGIA USA-Advanced Biotechnology

Sow Seeds of Hope on the Plateau with An Altitude of 4,000 Meters

In September, it's getting cold in the western Sichuan Plateau. After thirteen hours and nearly a thousand kilometers of driving, we finally arrived in the beautiful Daocheng County. As a technological innovation-based enterprise in Chengdu High-tech Zone, we went deep into the Tibetan area of the western Sichuan Plateau and visited the children here.

Love is two-way

After nearly a year of communication with the Daocheng County education system, the project of "Gathering Shimmers into Torch, Building Dreams for Youth" has begun to be implemented. Ingia Biosynthetic will sponsor 20 excellent students in character and learning from Daocheng County to complete their studies every year.

Hope on the Plateau

Tu Zhang, the deputy general manager, on behalf of our company, briefly introduced our situation and the original intention of initiating public welfare project; Yang Xuewu, vice-head of Daocheng County, and Liu, director of the Education Bureau, expressed their gratitude to our stevia company.

Hope on the Plateau

Hope on the Plateau

In the context of China's vigorous development of education and support ethnic minority areas, why are social forces still needed? Yang Xuewu, vice-head of Daocheng County, explained to us, "every expenditure of the government needs to have basis, and we can do our best to let students study and live well in school, but the difficulties outside the school also need the assistance of social forces." In this case, the help of social forces is precious.

Hope on the Plateau

So when we gradually grow into a company that can shelter others from the wind and rain and undertake social responsibilities, we are also looking for an opportunity to help others.

On the western Sichuan Plateau, the clean and pure eyes of the children give our love a place to belong.

Plant seeds of hope on the plateau

On September 1, the beginning of the new semester, the students in Daocheng County began to get busy. When we stepped into the key boarding school in the pastoral area of Jinzhu Town, Daocheng County, the students were busy getting new textbooks and cleaning, and the boarding students lined up on the playground waiting for the allocation of dormitories.

Hope on the Plateau

Hope on the Plateau

As one of the natural vanillin suppliers, we had thought that the schools on the plateau might be "passable". But the neat and spacious classrooms, clean canteen, and happy students made the accompanying friends exclaim, "The classroom is even more spacious than that of many schools in Chengdu!"

Hope on the Plateau

However, there were still students who could not return to school on time. According to the school's principal, the plateau is vast, Tibetan people are scattered. Living too far away, heavy family burden, and parents' backward concept of education may become obstacles for students on the road to study. To this end, the local government and school teachers need to undertake more responsibilities and obligations to ensure that every child returns to school at the beginning of the new semester.

Hope on the Plateau

"There is no senior high school in Daocheng County, after completing compulsory education, the students admitted to high school accounting for one-third need to go to Kangding County, Luding County or further away to study." The director of Daocheng County Education Bureau told us.

Hope on the Plateau

Sick family members, coming from a single-parent family or a family with many children, long distance to school... These factors are enough to prevent students here from concentrating on their studies, or even make them abandon their studies. Funding from caring companies and people can temporarily alleviate the family difficulties of these students. We also hope that our little kindness can give children the strength and hope to go further.

Hope on the Plateau

Their dreams

"My dream is to be a lawyer." After the simple ceremony, we chatted with a few funded children. We got many unexpected answers for these routine questions.

"I want to invent a smartphone for my grandma"

The farthest place, Tang Yibo, a second grade student, has been to is Chengdu. Because his family member was sick, he often followed when his family went to the provincial capital to see a doctor. From Daocheng, it takes two days and one night to Chengdu. The 7-year-old kid's dream is fantastic. He wants to be an inventor to invent a smart phone for his grandma so that she can play on the phone like others.

Hope on the Plateau

"I want to make the world a fairer place"

Ge Rong in the sixth grade is not so childish. Her dream is to be a lawyer to make the world a fairer place.

Hope on the Plateau

"I want to be a teacher here"

Weng Mu, a third-grade student, is beautiful and shy. Her eyes will crinkle when smiling. Her dream is to be a gentle teacher just like her teacher to impart knowledge and educate people.

"Here or in a big city?"

"Here, my hometown is beautiful."

Hope on the Plateau

With the support of national policies, Daocheng County got rid of poverty in 2019. Education is the most effective way to block the intergenerational transmission of poverty.

Just like the blue-orange color matching of INGIA logo, rigorous blue is our base color, and bright orange is the warmth we show to the world. We are willing to contribute to make their dreams come true.

About Daocheng County

Daocheng County is located in the southern part of Ganzi Prefecture, the southwestern edge of Sichuan Province, China. Located in the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and on the east side of the Hengduan Mountains, it belongs to the Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Kangba Tibetan area, with an area of 7,323 square kilometers under its jurisdiction.

Hope on the Plateau

Hope on the Plateau

With beautiful and magnificent natural scenery and distinctive ethnic customs, Daocheng County attracts tourists from home and abroad. However, the single industrial structure and the natural disadvantage of the plateau area being far away from modern cities have naturally restricted its development.

With the support of national policies and the pairing assistance of developed cities and regions, Daocheng County got rid of poverty in 2019. With the gradual recovery of tourism, Daocheng County, as "The Soul of Shangri-La", has attracted more tourists for sightseeing.